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Sometimes however, as she’s playing with my cock, she’ll duck down and start licking and sucking my nipple at the same time. This has become another of our little habits, as I know that she’s happy for me to have a quick wank, and I know she’s not really in the need for any action herself. So…this morning as I’m lying back enjoying Bev’s slow cock stroking action as she’s sucking my nipple, I got myself out from under the duvet as it was getting too warm. Bev did the same and we were both lying naked…me on my back and Bev on her side with a leg d****d over me and still wanking me slowly. As I was enjoying all of this, I had a flashback to doing the very same thing a few times on various beaches as we’d been spied on by voyeurs…so I mentioned this to Bev. On these beach adventures, Bev would often open her legs wide whilst we were being viewed…knowing that she was giving the voyeurs a really good view of her wet pussy. So, as she was still slowly wanking me, she giggled, and spread. Barbara addressed me directly. "To be honest, David, we were willing toturn you in if we had found that the stories about men were true. Westill aren't completely sure of you. I'm sorry, but you can't leave thehouse."I nodded. "Of course. I understand." I took a carrot and dipped in intosome thick sauce as I had just seen her do. It tasted sharper than Ithought but good. "So, I'm on probation?" I asked casually.Wendy stared at me. "You're taking this very well!"I laughed, exhilarated. The panties I wore uncomfortably would have fitmuch better had Jezzi had her way with me. Being under house arrest orprobation was an incredible improvement to the alternative. I bowedslightly. "I'm extremely honored that two beautiful, brave women riskedtheir liberty for me without knowing who I was. I'd be a very poorguest if I demanded that you accept me unconditionally. I realize thatI could still be a crazy rapist or murderer as far as you'reconcerned." When you gave me my gun back I knew you.
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